Network Equipment

The District shall replace network equipment on a 7-year refresh cycle.

Current Network Equipment Standards

Equipment Type

Manufacturer and Model

Core Switch

Arista 7050SX

Distribution Switch - Large Campus

Cisco Meraki MS425

Distribution Switch - Satellite Campus

Cisco Meraki MS250

Access Switch

Cisco Meraki MS225

Mini Access Switch - Classroom Lecterns

Cisco Meraki MS120

Wireless Access Point - Indoor

Cisco Meraki MR46

Wireless Access Point - Outdoor

Cisco Meraki MR86

Network Firewall - Large Campus

Fortinet FortiGate 1500D

SD-WAN Appliance - Satellite Campus

Cisco Meraki MX84

Data Center Equipment

The District has implemented a Cloud First initiative.  As a result, all server and storage services are migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS).  This eliminates the need for a refresh cycle.

Unified Communication

The District shall replace telephone handsets on an 8-year refresh cycle.

The District has implemented a Cloud First initiative.  An RFP is currently in progress to select a Unified Communication as a Service (UCasS) vendor for cloud-hosted telephony services.  This will replace the existing Nortel Phone System currently in use which is End of Life (EOL).

For any questions regarding these specifications please contact the ITS Help Desk by visiting or by emailing by

Accreditation Standard - ACCJC Standard III. C.2

The institution continuously plans for, updates and replaces technology to ensure its technological infrastructure, quality and capacity are adequate to support its mission, operations, programs, and services.